Modern Slavery Policy

“What is Modern Slavery?”

Modern Slavery encompasses acts such as slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labor, and human trafficking. Given the prevalence of modern slavery and the intricate nature of contemporary supply chains, we recognize our responsibility to identify and address these issues to combat the potential for modern slavery within our supply chain. Acknowledging the prevalence of modern slavery in the construction industry, we are dedicated to ensuring that our staff is well-informed and attuned to identifying potential modern slavery situations, and we urge our clients and suppliers to join us in addressing this issue collaboratively.

The OMECO process to prevent Modern Slavery:

  • Conduct ongoing due diligence to pinpoint high-risk areas and devise strategies to mitigate these risks

  • Perform enhanced identity checks on all workers

  • Provide training for our staff to enhance awareness

  • Communicate our modern slavery policy to staff, clients, suppliers, and contractors

  • Share our procurement principles with our suppliers

  • Expect our suppliers to impose similar requirements on their own suppliers

  • Display official materials on-site to encourage reporting of modern slavery incidents

  • Initiate thorough investigations if modern slavery is reported or suspected in our supply chain

  • Provide regular progress reports and outline next steps for continuous improvement

  • Our company maintains a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, a principle communicated to all staff, suppliers, contractors, and business partners.

Discover more about our unwavering commitment to prevent the emergence of Modern Slavery at OMECO. We employ every measure within our capacity to ensure the highest level of adherence possible.